Randomization in clinical trials
Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are the golden standard in scientific medical research.
In an RCT the participants are allocated at random to receive one of several clinical treatments.
It is essential that the randomization cannot be influenced to ensure that patients are properly randomized to treatments in order for the results from the study to be unbiased.
Our web solution provides a cheap and easy to use, secure and 24 hour-a-day randomization service for multi-center clinical trials.
- The randomization is set up in collaboration with Ekstrøm & far. That ensures that the randomization follows the desired experimental design.
- The randomization can be tailored to your specific needs (e.g., simple randomziation, urn randomization, block randomization, etc.)
- Users of this application do not need to have any special computing skills.
- A flexible role-based access control is used and investigators and administrators are notified by email as well as the study progresses.
- Available 24/7 and be accessed from a computer or smart phone.
- All transactions are logged.
Please contact us to learn more or to get access to a demo trial so you can see for yourself how the randomizer works.